Learn more about Ninja Fantasy Trader NFT

First Batch of 2667 Samurais

Total Supply: 10,144 Samurais.


šŸ§¬ Samurais are the rarestĀ  NFTraders who possess unique features and superior genes compared to the other NFTraders.

Owning a Samurai, you will get access to the first Financial NFT Game where you can:

šŸ’¹ Play to earn in live Markets (Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Forex, and Commodities)

āš”ļø Test your skills as Martial Artist in Trading Battles and Tournaments against other Ninja players.

šŸ“Š Create NFT-Companies and get staking investors.

šŸŒ‡ Own NFT-Buildings and NFT-Offices in Traderland, making real estate profit.

šŸ…Get a VIP Membership including trading courses, daily market analysis, signals, access to a VIP Trading Group, and a community of thousands of real traders.

Rarity Ranking

Ninja Fantasy Trader

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