BAYC Opens Survey to Solicit Input from Clubhouse Members

Credit: Yuga Labs

Bored Ape Yacht Club, the darling NFT collection from the 2021-2022 NFT bull run, has fallen on hard times as of late. Its floor price has decreased, and many members and observers on X have criticized the leadership behind the collection, stating that it had strayed too far from degen culture, amongst other complaints.

Now, after the collection announced a 2024 plan to refocus on the community and clubhouse experience, BAYC has opened a survey for holders to share their thoughts about where they want the “Club” to go this year.

The survey, which is token-gated, uses technology from, allowing for a hot wallet to act on behalf of a cold wallet. Given that many BAYC holders keep their Ape in a cold wallet, this mechanism will act as protection, and keep the holders from having to connect their cold wallet to participate in the survey.

The survey will close on Friday, the 26th of January, and those who complete the survey will receive a limited edition POAP. A POAP, known as a Proof-of-Attendance-Protocol, are typically artist-rendered NFTs that are given to attendees of a virtual event, usually for commemoration purposes.

The POAP has the words “Q1 2024 BAYC Contribution” with two bananas bookending “Q1 2024” to separate it from “BAYC Contribution.” It is in the form of an eyepiece, with an eye looking out from it as the circular piece where the words rise and fall.

Time will tell how many BAYC members fill out the survey, but there’s no doubt the company is trying to make good on its promise to focus more on the Clubhouse experience this year.

BAYC in 2024: “Back to Basics”

BAYC announced the survey on January 22nd, and it has already garnered hundreds of likes and reposts. It is the beginning of a strategy to return to BAYC’s Clubhouse roots. BAYC revealed this strategy on January 17th, to much applause from the community:

Among its objectives (some already completed) for 2024 are:

  • A revamped BAYC website, as the old one had become “dusty”
  • Launching Dookey Dash, its first Web3 game, for a general audience
  • Opening the BAYC Community Council to more members
  • Having a hangout spot on the BAYC Island with 3D rendered Apes

And, of course, soliciting the opinions of the BAYC Club members on what they would like to see from the company in 2024. Going back to its roots — the Club vibe which made BAYC famous — could revitalize the community and generate more enthusiasm for the collection.

Given the success BAYC has had, we’re certainly not betting against them.

More on BAYC: