Truth Arts Introduces ‘Portals’: A Multi-Chain Feature for Goblintown NFTs

Truth Arts, the Web3 studio behind popular non-fungible token collections Goblintown and Illuminati, just announced the launch of a new multi-chain feature called ‘Portals.’

The Portals feature will allow holders of Goblintown and Illuminati NFTs to bridge to several supported Ethereum Layer 2 blockchains, including Base, Blast, Arbitrum, and Polygon.

The co-founder and CEO of Truth Labs, Alex Taub, said that “NFTs must evolve beyond single-chain constraints to thrive.” He added that the studio thinks “NFT interoperability across chains” will become a “standard practice” in the industry and is necessary for the long-term survival of NFTs. Furthermore, he believes that as more blockchains come into being, IP should not be limited to a single chain.

Holders of the two NFT collections can visit Portals on the company’s website, connect their wallets, view their assets, and choose which NFTs they desire to move. The holders must pay gas fees, but otherwise the feature is free. There is also a tool that will track the location of all Illuminati and Goblintown NFTs across chains. Holders can also keep their NFTs on Ethereum if they choose.

One of the benefits of making the NFTs interoperable is that now holders can take advantage of allocations, project allowlists, and airdrops across multiple blockchains. To start, Truth Arts is encouraging holders to move to the Blast blockchain for opportunities to earn Blast Gold and Jackpots, and to participate in Season 2 activities on that chain.

According to the X post from Truth Arts, Solana is coming soon via a collaboration with LayerZero Labs, more collaborations with new chains are expected, and Truth Arts intends to expand beyond NFTs for future projects.

Interoperability Is Critical for the Growth of Web3

For holders of Goblintown and Illuminati NFTs, the chance to bridge their NFTs to several Layer 2 blockchains to take advantage of airdrops and other perks is exciting news. But Truth Labs isn’t the only Web3 company that’s working hard to foster interoperability for digital assets. At Rarity Sniper, we’ve covered several articles about similar projects in recent months. Here are the top three.

First, in May 2024, a Swiss-based non-profit called DFINITY created an Ethereum Virtual Machine Remote Procedure Call (EVM RPC) that enables interoperability between the Internet Computer (ICP) and Ethereum-compatible blockchains. Now ICP’s smart contracts can interact with Bitcoin and Ethereum — with Solana expected soon.

Next, in April 2024, Omnity, an on-chain omnichain interoperability protocol on ICP, announced the first interoperability solution for Runes, a token standard on Bitcoin. The new integration will let users transfer between Bitcoin and any Layer 1 or Layer 2 blockchain quickly and cheaply.

Lastly, in November 2023, the CEO of Roblox, David Baszucki said that he dreams of having interoperability in Roblox to allow for brands and creators to create digital assets in Roblox and move them off platform. With over 40 million daily users, Roblox is one of the most popular virtual worlds in existence.

As the NFT space continues to mature, interoperability (the ability to carry items across multiple platforms) will play a critical role. At Rarity Sniper, we’ll be keeping an eye on Goblintown and Illuminati NFT holders to see if they successfully bridge their NFTs to L2 blockchains and what, if any, benefits they enjoy from the process.