Sammy Hagar, the renowned musician, and his longtime friend Guy Fieri, a famous chef, are partnering together for a venture with a decidedly Web3 flavor: a loyalty program in which participants will receive a mystery NFT. The program, based around the two men’s company Santo Spirit, will also feature a sweepstakes component where users can receive prizes.
Steve Goldstein, CEO of Trident3, who helped Santo Spirit enter Web3, told Rarity Sniper that they took many steps to make the program friendly to non-crypto natives:
“The only way for a Web3 loyalty program to function at scale is to make it as easy to sign up for as any other program, So that’s what we’ve done: to sign up, members only need to verify their email addresses. In the background, we’ll create their account, which includes a wallet for their NFTs.”
To launch the program, Hagar and Fieri have partnered with the NEAR protocol, a layer one blockchain that is carbon neutral.
All ‘Founding Members’ of the loyalty program will receive a mystery NFT, with the first 1,000 users to sign up receiving an additional NFT. In addition, the company is offering prizes for U.S. participants, including five guitars that Hagar and Fieri will sign and 20 slots for a virtual tasting class that the two men will host.
The company will release the prizes after the launch of Santo Spirit’s newest tequila Añejo. Hagar is a known tequila fan, saying in a press release shared with Rarity Sniper that “since way back in the early 80s when I first experienced pure 100% agave tequila I’ve been on a mission to make the best stuff in the world and to share it with fans who care about quality and authenticity.”
Santo Spirit is Hagar’ and Fieri’s company, and it bills its products as a higher quality experience than typical tequilas sold in the United States. Together, the two men work with Juan Eduardo Nuñez, who is a third-generation master distiller from Jalisco, Mexico, to create a standard tequila, a reposado, and a mix between mezcal and tequila.
A New Web3 Tequila Club
While Web3 loyalty programs are nothing new, they are typically reserved for companies in industries where loyalty programs are already common, such as the airline industry. Still, some alcohol companies have been trying their hand at these types of programs, combining non-fungible tokens with exclusive benefits.
In the case of Santo Spirit, its loyalty program will feature rolling benefits, including discounts on products, experiences like the virtual tasting, and other unique activities. To start, there will be three tiers of NFT collectibles, with the first tier corresponding to the virtual tasting, the second to the signed guitars, and the third to a discount on products.
As the company writes on its website:
“The number of rewards is not limited — those who continue to engage with the brand can earn more collectibles and utility opportunities.”
That indicates that the sweepstakes period is just the beginning and that more NFTs (and utility) will follow.
Loyalty programs are often a simplified version of NFT memberships, where holders receive perks based on the tier of their non-fungible token. In the case of Santo Spirit’ program, the focus is on recruiting the “Founding Members” for now, though it’s possible that the company will add more tiers if the program grows.
When asked about why Santo Spirit decided to go with Web3 for its loyalty program, Goldstein contrasted Web2 and Web3, saying in Web2, those who reaped the largest benefits were the intermediaries like the big social media companies.
“Web3 is all about the 1:1 connection between the brand and their fans,“ Goldstein told Rarity Sniper. “Everything is created on the brand’s domain. So, Santo controls the messaging, Santo builds direct relationships, and Santo owns the data. This data can be aggregated into actionable insights to help Santo Spirit drive sales in their core business.“
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